Perl – Shell commands with pseudo-interaction

There are plenty of problems I have to solve by myself as they are connected with very specific needs. Today I had to create 20+ ftp (pureftp) accounts with “random” passwords and a quota. All happened on Ubuntu server so I decided to write a script to make my life easier.

What I decided to do is to write a perl script that will get one argument on the command line (username) and make an ftp account “username” with chrooted home directory “/some/path/to/ftp/username”. Not-fully random (based on md5 algorithm) password and username should be appended to a text files, containing all the passwords.

Here’s the Perl script:

use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);


$user = $ARGV[0];
print "Adding user ${user} to FTP db.\n";
$pass = substr(md5_hex($user),0,5);
$string = "pure-pw useradd ${user} -u 33 -g 33"
 ." -d /some/path/${user} -N 100"
 ." <<EOP\n${pass}\n${pass}\nEOP";
$out = `$string`;

print DAT "User: ${user}|Pass: ${pass}\n";

sub usage{
        print "Usage: username\n";

Here are some explanations. First of all, we will need md5_hex function to generate a password for our user:

use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);

If the user will run our script with more or less than one parameter (which should be the username) we should tell him how to use our script and exit.



sub usage{
        print "Usage: username\n";

We get the username from the command line and save it as $user variable.

$user = $ARGV[0];
print "Adding user ${user} to FTP db.\n";

Next, we generate a password based on the md5 sum of the username. You can use salt or some randomness for increased security:

$pass = substr(md5_hex($user),0,5);
# for increased security you might want to put some salt to this:
#$pass = substr(md5_hex($user."salt"),1,5);

Now… the not-so-obvious part. We create a command for the command line. It gets interesting when the <<EOP begins. If you run pure-pw command it will prompt you for password and then retyping it. The part after “magic” <<EOP tells the script to get more input until it will find EOP line. This is how we force our script to get password from us.

$string = "pure-pw useradd ${user} -u 33 -g 33"
 ." -d /some/path/${user} -N 100"
 ." <<EOP\n${pass}\n${pass}\nEOP";
$out = `$string`;

-u and -g are here for system user and group connected with this ftp account. In my case it was www-data user and group. The last part is to append user’s username and password as a new line in a file:

print DAT "User: ${user}|Pass: ${pass}\n";

This one is pretty straight forward.

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